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Butterfly Books = order Lepidoptera

Butterflies, Bugs and Worms
$10.95 hardback book

Butterflies and Moths Portrait
$16.95 hardback book

Butterflies and Moths
$2.50 paperback book

Handbook for Butterfly Watchers
$15.00 paperback book

$3.99 paperback book

Amazing Butterflies and Moths
$8.95 paperback book

The Butterfly Alphabet
$5.99 paperback book

Back cover Butterfly Alphabet
$5.99 paperback book

The Girl Who Loved Caterpillars
$5.95 paperback book

My Monarch Butterfly Journal
$7.95 student edition $9.95 parent/teacher edition paperback book

Butterflies and Moths Golden Guide
$6.95 paperback book

Where Did the Butterfly Get It's Name?
$5.95 paperback book

Butterflies Fly
$6.95 paper $16.95 hardback book

Creepy Crawly Caterpillars
$5.95 paperback book

Waiting for Wings
$17.00 hardbackback book

The Butterfly Alphabet Book
$6.95 paperback $16.95 hardback book

Eyewitness Blutterfly and Moth
$15.95 hardback book

Are you A Butterfly?
$4.95 paperback book

Beetle Books = order Coleoptera

The Beetle Alphabet Book
$16.95 hardback $6.95 paperback book

Creepy Beetles
$3.99 paperback book

The Very Clumsey Click Beetle
$21.99 hardback book

Beetle Bedlam
$16.95 hardback book
Social Insect Books = order Hymenoptera

Ant on the Ground
$8.95 hardback book

It's An Ant's Life
$9.99 hardback book

Planet Ant
$5.95 paperback book $9.95 with small ant farm

Ant Cities
$4.95 paperback book

Hornet's Nest
$10.95 hardback book

Bees and Wasps
$4.95 hardback book

How Do Bees Make Honey?
$4.95 paperback book
Preying Mantis Books = order Mantodea             Grasshopper Books = order Orthoptera

Backyard Hunter
$4.99 paperback book

Are You a Grasshopper?
$9.95 hardback book

Grass and Grasshoppers
$12.99 paperback book
AQUATIC INSECTS            Dragonfly Books = order Odonata

Are You a Dragonfly?
$9.95 hardback book

A Dragon in the Sky
$18.95 hardback book

Caddisfly Handbook
$19.95 hardback book

ZZzng ZZzng ZZzng
$9.95 hardback book

Bug Hunter Field Journal
$8.95 paperback book
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       I have many other insect and spider books with a link at the top of the page. There are also insect and spider t-shirts, neckties, hats, bags, magnets and pens with links below.

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Kathy Wildman
337 E. Main St.
Grafton, WV 26354

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Last updated on June 10, 2004

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